Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hehe /run from angry viewers and guildies

So uhhh..........

who likes pie?

okay folks seriously I am sincerely sorry for my lack of posting and this time my excuse is me being a lazy bum. No I have not been running around as a death knigget cause I never got a beta key =( also some things happened to me such as being promoted to officer in the guild. I know that most of you are probably in the guild so you know but there are some readers that aren't. I am now in charge of all classic raiding in the guild! So far we have done some ZG and 1/2 of AQ20 so I think its doing pretty good so far. also I am still looking for more writers for the blog so shoot me an email @ big.bad.bulldog1@gmail.com or send a pst to warhound on the draka server.

thanks all and i sincerely apologize,